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    Lower Devonian brachiopods in South China are very rare since most areas lack deposits owing to an uplift movement of the Guangxi (Caledonian) Orogeny. In this paper, we describe a brachiopod fauna consisting of 13 species in 12 genera from the Nagaoling Formation at the Dashatian section in the suburb area of the Nanning City, Guangxi, South China. This fauna is dominated by small rhynchonellide and spiriferide species, along with chonetidines, strophomenides, atrypides, athyridides and others. The early Pragian age for the brachiopod-bearing horizons in the Nagaoling Formation is constrained by the associated early Pragian conodonts Eognathodus sulcatus Zone. About 33% genera of the brachiopod fauna are endemic to South China, therefore they do not provide any clear evidence for its paleobiogeographical link to the faunas of Europe, Australia, or North America. This fauna is paleoecologically interpreted as being deposited in a shallow, oxygen-rich, low to moderate energy, subtidal palaeoenvironment in the early Pragian and it corresponds to the benthic assemblage BA2 to upper BA

    Solving multiple-criteria R&D project selection problems with a data-driven evidential reasoning rule

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    In this paper, a likelihood based evidence acquisition approach is proposed to acquire evidence from experts'assessments as recorded in historical datasets. Then a data-driven evidential reasoning rule based model is introduced to R&D project selection process by combining multiple pieces of evidence with different weights and reliabilities. As a result, the total belief degrees and the overall performance can be generated for ranking and selecting projects. Finally, a case study on the R&D project selection for the National Science Foundation of China is conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed model. The data-driven evidential reasoning rule based model for project evaluation and selection (1) utilizes experimental data to represent experts' assessments by using belief distributions over the set of final funding outcomes, and through this historic statistics it helps experts and applicants to understand the funding probability to a given assessment grade, (2) implies the mapping relationships between the evaluation grades and the final funding outcomes by using historical data, and (3) provides a way to make fair decisions by taking experts' reliabilities into account. In the data-driven evidential reasoning rule based model, experts play different roles in accordance with their reliabilities which are determined by their previous review track records, and the selection process is made interpretable and fairer. The newly proposed model reduces the time-consuming panel review work for both managers and experts, and significantly improves the efficiency and quality of project selection process. Although the model is demonstrated for project selection in the NSFC, it can be generalized to other funding agencies or industries.Comment: 20 pages, forthcoming in International Journal of Project Management (2019

    Probing Transverse Momentum Broadening via Dihadron and Hadron-jet Angular Correlations in Relativistic Heavy-ion Collisions

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    Dijet, dihadron, hadron-jet angular correlations have been reckoned as important probes of the transverse momentum broadening effects in relativistic nuclear collisions. When a pair of high-energy jets created in hard collisions traverse the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy-ion collisions, they become de-correlated due to the vacuum soft gluon radiation associated with the Sudakov logarithms and the medium-induced transverse momentum broadening. For the first time, we employ the systematical resummation formalism and establish a baseline calculation to describe the dihadron and hadron-jet angular correlation data in pppp and peripheral AAAA collisions where the medium effect is negligible. We demonstrate that the medium-induced broadening ⟨p⊥2⟩\langle p_\perp^2\rangle and the so-called jet quenching parameter q^\hat q can be extracted from the angular de-correlations observed in AAAA collisions. A global χ2\chi^2 analysis of dihadron and hadron-jet angular correlation data renders the best fit ⟨p⊥2⟩∼13 GeV2\langle p_\perp^2 \rangle \sim 13~\textrm{GeV}^2 for a quark jet at RHIC top energy. Further experimental and theoretical efforts along the direction of this work shall significantly advance the quantitative understanding of transverse momentum broadening and help us acquire unprecedented knowledge of jet quenching parameter in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Note On Certain Inequalities for Neuman Means

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    In this paper, we give the explicit formulas for the Neuman means NAHN_{AH}, NHAN_{HA}, NACN_{AC} and NCAN_{CA}, and present the best possible upper and lower bounds for theses means in terms of the combinations of harmonic mean HH, arithmetic mean AA and contraharmonic mean CC.Comment: 9 page

    Threshold Effects in the Decay of Heavy b' and t' Quarks

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    A sequential fourth generation is still viable, but the t' and b' quarks are constrained to be not too far apart in mass. The t'{\to}bW and b'{\to}tW decay channels are still being pursued at the Tevatron, which would soon be surpassed by the LHC. We use a convolution method with up to five-body final state to study t' and b' decays. We show how the two decay branches for m_{b'} below the tW threshold, b'{\to}tW^* and t^*W, merge with b'{\to}tW above the threshold. We then consider the heavy-to-heavy transitions b'{\to}t^{\prime(*)}W^{(*)} (or t'{\to}b^{\prime(*)}W^{(*)}), as they are not suppressed by quark mixing. We find that, because of the threshold sensitivity of the branching fraction of t'{\to}b'W^* (or b'{\to}t'W^*), it is possible to measure the strength of the CKM mixing element V_{t'b} (or V_{tb'}), especially when it is rather small. We urge the experiments to pursue and separate the t'{\to}b'W^* (or b'{\to}t'W^*) decay in their search program
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